Come, Bring Your Burdens to God (Woza nomthwalo wakho)

This South African traditional song from the singing of the Mooiplaas congregation was transcribed and arranged by John Bell of the Iona Community.  

To lead it, sing through it once or twice, perhaps reinforcing the shape of the melody with your hand. It's easy enough that folks will start singing with you quickly. Encourage harmony and add the leader part once the group is confident.

"Woza nomthwalo wakho,
Woza nomthwalo wakho,

Woza nomthwalo wakho,
Uyes’akasozathi hayi.

English singing translation:
"Come, bring your burdens to God,
come, bring your burdens to God,
Come, bring your burdens to God
for Jesus will never say no."

Copyright for the piece is held by GIA Publications, Inc. so you'll need a OneLicense membership to print the text or music.

Find sheet music for the song here. It can also be found in We Walk His Way.

Here's a recording of the song from The Iona Community:



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Music that Makes Community
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