Here's an update on the Sacred Lands Playlist Project, a partnership between Music that Makes Community and the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery.
This post includes two updates. First update is on the review process and when creators will be notified if their submission was accepted. Second update is an invitation to a hybrid, in-person and virtual gathering, where songs from the Playlist will be shared.
Update 1: Review Process
We have been delightfully overwhelmed with the number of submissions and interest in the project. As a result we are extending our review period and will be letting folks know if their submission was accepted at the end of August.
A little about our review process. Each song will be reviewed by three reviewers. Our reviewers will be evaluating each song on the basis of four criteria:
1. Fit with the Sacred Lands them
2. Culturally appropriateness
3. Ease for group singing/teaching (to help determine community singing songs)
4. Overall fit
Each song will be sorted into one of three types: songs for paperless community singing, congregational hymnody, and recordings for listening.
P.S. We’ve heard from several folks that they had issues with submitting their song via the Google Form. We invite you to please check in with friends and colleagues who may have submitted to this project to see if they received this email. If they did not, that means we did not receive their submission. In this case, please have them contact Doe at [email protected].
Update 2: Playlist Gathering Invitation
All are invited to gather on Wednesday, October 2, 6-7:30 p.m. Central Time to learn songs from the playlist, meet some of the creators, and hear the stories of their creation, so you can faithfully carry these songs into your community. This hybrid gathering will take place in the Chapel at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, St. Paul, Minnesota, and on Zoom. A recording will be made for those unable to attend live. Stay tuned for more details.
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