The Annual Conference is an opportunity for Forma to encourage and develop Christian educators, inside and outside the Episcopal tradition, to grow in how they educate and minister. This year, our theme is "Called to Covenant." Our four plenaries will be focusing on how we are called, through Micah 6:8, to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.
The 2023 Forma Pre-Conference will take place on the campus of Virginia Theological Seminary on Tuesday, January 17, 2023. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. and Pre-Conference offerings run from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Lunch is included in the Pre-Conference registration fee.
MMC is excited to offer a pre-conference workshop, inviting participants to explore song leadership practices that help build and strengthen community. During our time together we’ll:
- Explore a practice of paperless (oral tradition) singing leadership grounded in a spirit of welcome and generosity
- Engage models of teaching and leading that welcome our bodies, hearts, and minds
- Experience music reflective of the growing diversity of our communities and celebrating our rich spiritual and liturgical traditions
- Experience building community and strengthening relationships through community and congregational singing
- Participants will gain confidence in paperless singing leadership via shared leadership, skills practice, and reflection, expanding and exploring our musical options practically and creatively
There are 30 tickets available for this Pre-Conference offering, so register soon to secure a space.
Learn more and register here!
3737 Seminary Rd
Alexandria, VA 22304
United States
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