All are welcome to attend a gathering of New York area MMC alumni and friends to practice song leading, hosted by Lindsey Nye and Zachary Walter of Yes And Ministry. To read more about this gathering, check out this blog post by Zachary.

This won't be a workshop with presenters and participants, more of a gathering of like-minded practitioners. We'll split the day into two parts:

10AM-12PM: Song Leading Practice

Practice leading songs paperlessly with a supportive group of fellow leaders

  • Try out new compositions and works in progress with a critical mass of singers
  • Brainstorm about songs, hymns, readings, processions, and other liturgical elements
  • Think about how to integrate instruments into various liturgical moments
  • Share ideas and problem solve

12PM-1PM: Lunch

1PM-3PM: Yes And-style Improvisational Worship
Lindsey and Zach will introduce us to Yes And, an improvisational/intuitive vocal worship style inspired by texts and the Spirit. The aim is to cultivate worship experiences where all may contribute in collaboration and without inhibition, where we can directly experience story and spirit in our bodies and voices. Learn more at

We won't be charging tuition, but we'll pass the hat for a$5-$10 donation for St. Lydia's for letting us use the space. You can pitch in $10 for takeout or bring your own lunch. Please RSVP below so we know how many to expect, and feel free to invite friends you think might be interested!


May 14, 2016 at 10:00am - 3pm
St. Lydia's
304 Bond St
Brooklyn, NY 11231
United States
Google map and directions
Lindsey Nye ·
David Groeneveld Kate McKey-Dunar Zachary Walter Kerri Allen Ben Colahan

Will you come?

Showing 5 contributions

Music that Makes Community
304 Bond Street * Brooklyn, NY 11231

[email protected]
(612) 204-2235