Music That Makes Community is excited to make our first visit to North Dakota, sharing paperless music and leadership with members of the Western North Dakota Synod of the ELCA! Join MMC's Executive Director Paul Vasile for a half-day paperless music workshop at Upper Missouri Ministries on Saturday, January 14 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Explore the basics of paperless music, learn new songs to enrich your community's worship life, and reflect on strategies for cultivating participatory singing and liturgy. On Sunday morning, Paul will also visit several ELCA congregations in the area to share paperless songs.
The workshop is generously sponsored by the West North Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Pastors, musicians and lay leaders from other denominations are also warmly welcome to attend.
Please note that the first portion of the gathering (9-9:30 a.m.) includes Synod business. The workshop officially begins at 9:30 a.m.
While Upper Missouri Ministries claims Epping, ND as its address, it is located about 20 minutes north east of Williston. A Google map is here.
Registration Fee: $10
Lunch and workshop materials are included.
There are several ways to register:
RSVP below and pay through MMC's Donate page; or EMAIL or CALL Nick Johnson at [email protected] or 701-859-4181.
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