Experience the joy of singing with others at an afternoon workshop with Paul Vasile, Executive Director of Music that Makes Community. We'll make music together without paper or screens, and explore the connections that grow when we deepen our listening and awareness of each other. Whether you're looking for a fun afternoon singing or want to learn how to share songs in faith communities, at protests, or in therapeutic contexts, you are warmly welcome! 
Because of COVID restrictions, we are limited to 30 participants. We will follow best practices for singing in these times: masked and with ample breaks for everyone's health and well-being. 
12:30 pm: Lunch
1-1:50 pm: Session I - What is Paperless Music? Why Sing this Way?
2-2:50 pm: Session II - Song Leading 101
2:50-3:10 pm: Break
3:10-4 pm: Session III - Contexts for Paperless Singing
4:10- 5 pm: Session IV - Q&A, Closing Ritual around the Labyrinth
Cost: $40, including lunch
February 19, 2022 at 1:00pm - 5pm
Noble Room
Hendricks Chapel Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13224
United States
Google map and directions
Charlotte Moroz · · 929-266-4662

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Music that Makes Community
304 Bond Street * Brooklyn, NY 11231

[email protected]
(612) 204-2235