Arise, Shine

Arise, Shine is a two-part layered song composed by Ruth Cunningham. It's been shared at many MMC workshops and is a wonderful way to introduce your community to paperless singing.

While the text from Isaiah 60 makes it useful for the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6), it could also be used as a sung refrain for the Third Song of Isaiah in the Book of Common Prayer.

"Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the *glory of the Lord has dawned upon you."

*Some leaders in the MMC community substitute 'glory of God' 

Ruth has given faith communities permission to sing and share the song without copyright restrictions.

Sheet music can be found in Singing In Community, our latest songbook published by Augsburg Fortress, or in Music By Heart.

Here's a video of Emily Scott leading Arise, Shine at one of our first Music that Makes Community workshops at St. Gregory of Nyssa Church in January 2008.

Here's a video of Patrick Evans and Paul Vasile leading an improvised setting of Isaiah 60 from our Music That Makes Community workshop in Ottawa, Canada in August 2011.

Showing 3 contributions

  • Rachel Kroh
    responded with submitted 2018-03-07 21:55:49 -0500
  • Rachel Kroh
    tagged this with Video 2015-03-25 16:36:23 -0400
  • Rachel Kroh
    responded 2015-03-23 14:47:03 -0400

Music that Makes Community
304 Bond Street * Brooklyn, NY 11231

[email protected]
(612) 204-2235