This paperless song composed by Dale Zola is based on a poem from the "school" of Rumi. While often attributed to him, it appears in manuscripts of other Persian writers of the late 13th century.
This haunting, minor-key tune is well-suited for Lent and times of spiritual pilgrimage, or a prayer for welcome and hospitality. Be sure to give the community lots of time to learn the phrases and internalize the challenging melodic shapes.
"Come, come, whoever you are,
worshipper, wanderer, lover of leaving.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Though you have broken your vows a thousand times,
Come, come again, come!"
Sheet music can be found in Singing In Community, our latest songbook published by Augsburg Fortress.
Here is a link to Ana Hernandez's blog entry about this song. And here is a video of her teaching the song at a Music That Makes Community Workshop in Ottawa, Canada.