Jesus Christ is the light of the world (echo)
The light no darkness can overcome (echo)
Stay with us Lord for it is evening (echo)
And the day is almost over (echo)
Let your light scatter the darkness (echo)
And shine on your people here (echo)
Song form: echo
Composer Name: Benjamin Leese
Lyricist Name: ancient text
Year Composed: 2008
Place of Origin: York Springs, Pennsylvania
Biblical Reference: John 8:12
Copyright Holder Name: Benjamin Leese
Terms of Use: share and share alike
Here's a video of Jesus Chris is the Light of the World:
This beautiful canon was composed by Jacques Berthier of the Taizé Community, an ecumenical monastic community in France that prays for reconciliation and peace in the world. The distinctive chants and songs used at Taizé often set simple phrases (usually lines from Psalms or other pieces of Scripture) repeated until they work their way into the rhythms of the heart, a form of “praying without ceasing.”
This tune can be shared without printed music two ways:
1. Sing the canon from beginning to end, then line out each section of the canon using call and echo until the group is confident. Combine the phrases, then divide the group and cue one at a time.
2. Divide the group into three sections and teach one phrase of the canon to each. While the melody won't migrate around the group as it does with a canon, this strategy can be helpful when time is limited.
"Da pacem cordium"
Give peace to every heart.
Copyright for the piece is held by GIA Publications, Inc. so you'll need a OneLicense membership to print the text or music.
Find sheet music for the chant on Hymnary.
Here's a recording by the Taizé Community:
The Light of Christ is a simple melody by Donald Fishel with a leader/cantor descant. It could also be taught as a two-part layered song.
Teach the piece phrase by phrase through call and echo. Then invite the community to sing it through, adding the leader part when the group is confident.
The song can be used for Vespers, for candle lighting, and as a response during the Christmas and Epiphany seasons. An accompanying instrument like a shruti box or a soft unison or open fifth on the organ can help support the congregation and sustain the energy of the song.
"The light of Christ has come into the world."
Copyright for the piece is held by Church Publishing, Inc. You will need a OneLicense membership to print the text or music.
Sheet music can be found in My Heart Sings Out, a wonderful hymnal designed for all-age worship.
Here's a link to an audio recording of Emily Scott singing The Light of Christ, then offering some suggestions for how to lead it without paper.
Come, Light of Lights is layered song composed by Ruth Cunningham that can also be sung as a 2, 3 or 4-part canon/round.
The song is useful as an invocation or introit, a call to prayer, or a sung Prayer for Illumination. Many communities also sing it during Advent.
"Come, light of lights into my heart.
Come, wisdom of Spirit into my heart."
Ruth has given faith communities permission to sing and share the song without copyright restrictions.
Sheet music can be found in Singing In Community, our latest songbook published by Augsburg Fortress, and in Music By Heart.
Here's video of Emily Scott leading the song at a Music that Makes Community workshop in Atlanta:
Here's a step-by-step teaching video made by Paul Vasile:
Christ Is Our Guiding Light was composed by Rev. Eric Law of the Kaleidoscope Institute and works well as a canon or round in 2, 3 or 4 parts. There is also a lovely descant line for a cantor to sing once the group is confident. It could be used as a candle lighting song, for the Passing of Peace, and even in protests and marches.
"Christ is our guiding light:
Come, let us walk in the way of peace."
Sheet music can be found in Singing In Community, our latest songbook published by Augsburg Fortress, or in Music By Heart.
Here's a video of Ruth Williamson leading Christ is Our Guiding Light at Music that Makes Community in Los Angeles in October of 2008.